The Book That Changed My Life.....
All the girls at Cashmere & Cotton love a good book, in fact Bridget is an avid member of a couple of book clubs as well as compiling our very own C&C online book club where she shares the best of them for you to enjoy. These are always available for some reading inspiration with a link at the base of our website here.
Not wishing to miss out on their weekly review, friendly banter and smiling faces, her group of fellow book clubbers conducted an online get together this ingenious is that? She thought you might like to see what a virtual book club looks like.....noisy and hysterical, I bet and not without the odd glass of wine!
Because now, more than ever we all could do with a few good book recommendations to keep us all going, I asked some of the team to give you their own recommendations for one of their favourite books, which i hope you will enjoy.

JACKIE suggests......My Cousin Rachel by Daphne Du Maurier"
Well, I can’t say that this book changed my life but it is a damn good read by the author of Rebecca and Jamaica Inn. I have in fact read all 3 of these but this one stands out as a novel of suspense, intrigue and romance. It has been adapted for film a few times, the most re starring Rachel Weiss but as is the norm, the book stands above the film by a mile.
It’s basically a mystery about lust, sexuality and the power that a woman has over a man, when she is able to utilise her assets! Wonderfully written and atmospheric, with a final twist in the end which will leave you wondering......."
CHRIS'S Suggestion ......The Five People You Meet In Heaven by Mitch Albom
I find it really hard to suggest a book that changed my life or a true favourite as I read so many novels but if I had to choose a title, I think it would have to be The Five People You Meet in Heaven by Mitch Albom. Describing one mans journey to Heaven and the meeting of five people who have been unexpectedly instrumental in his life, he discovers what his true purpose on Earth has been. The perfect book for reflection and gratitude in these troubled times, we now find ourselves in.
BRIDGET suggests.....Cutting for Stone by Verghese Abraham
TRACY .......In my case I am not suggesting a novel but a book that really did change my life.......The Secret by Rhonda Byrne
I first read this book about 8 years and it has stayed on my bedside table, as a constant companion ever since. It is always amongst my pile of holiday reads to re-focus my thoughts and revisit in moments of quiet relaxation. An inspirational and insightful guide to a joyful and fulfilling life and maybe exactly what we could all do with right now.
It is quite difficult to summarise this motivational and empowering book in one or two sentences but to try and put it is about optimism, gratitude, taking action and believing in ones dreams. The power of love and the benefit of positive thinking. The Law of Attraction, the principle that you attract whatever you focus your energy on, relationships, possessions, goals, health and well being.
I was totally amazed at the feeling of power, energy and direction that it gave me when I started applying it to my life and want to share its principles with as as many people I can
Over the past few years I have shared "The Secret "with friends and family, with those who have had struggles and those who seek joy or direction, and even with those who don't.
When my son came of age, I gave him a copy and wrote a special message in the sleeve. At 18 years of age his last priority was to consider a book suggestion from his Mother and it remained unread. However a year or so later, whilst helping him pack for University, I placed the book amongst his possessions with another hand written note and hoped he might one day feel open to the theory of it. The first Christmas, he returned home from Uni quite a different person...having discovered "The Secret" for himself. If you were to ask him now for a book that changed his life, he would say the same........he has embraced the theory of it wholeheartedly, appears to have found real direction and focus in his life and is so much happier for it.
"Energy flows where attention goes" is now my mantra for life.
How about making a list of all you want to be, do or achieve over the next few weeks and beyond. If you feel like some good advise to help you on your way, I would recommend this read and hope you enjoy the journey.
Wishing you perfect health and well being .
Tracy xxx